InDesign Script

InDesign Script

Import your translation into your InDesign document.

InDesign Script

What does the ComixSuite InDesign Script?

Version 1.1

The InDesign Script allows you to import your translations made in ComixSuite into your Adobe InDesign document. The Script only imports the .jsx exported from ComixSuite.

Translation import feature

  • Import your translation at the right place in the geometry of the page.
  • Support for multiple imports into incremental layers.
  • Import all comments/instructions as a text anchored note.
  • The script is resilient to all spread or facing page configurations allowed by InDesign.

Typographic feature

  • The imported text is set with a Paragraph style.
  • All typographical decorations and capitalisation are set with a Character style.

Page shift feature

  • Fill in the different positions of a same page if your InDesign document differs from the one on ComixSuite and the script will calculate the page shift to import the translations correctly

Manga support for western InDesign

  • Check "Invert page order" to import the pages in reverse order from the last page to the first page.
  • This option is available if your version of InDesign cannot create "right to left" books.

Images import

  • Import the images your comics in addition to the translation into a dedicated layer.
  • Option to create missing pages if the book contains more pages than the InDesign document.
  • Target the folder containing the alphabetically ordered images.

Setup the ComixSuite InDesign Script

The Script must be installed in your Adobe InDesign Script panel (see How to Setup tab).

How to setup the ComixSuite InDesign Script?

The InDesign Script allows you to import your ComixSuite translations into your edited books in Adobe™ InDesign™.

Setup Steps

Follow the following steps

  1. Download the script to your hard drive.
  2. In InDesign, display the "Script" panel
  3. Drag and drop the script into the panel, (enter your password if the computer asks for it)

Instructions for uses

Follow the following steps

In Geo Comix

  1. In Geo Comix, go to your translation project that you want to import into InDesign.
  2. At the top of the interface, click on "Export" and then on "Export for Indesign".
  3. Geo Comix will download your translation.

In InDesign

  1. Display the Script panel and double click on Geo Comix script.
  2. Select your exported translation on your hard drive.
  3. Validate or not certain import options then launch the import

Import options

Coming soon

Having trouble using the script?

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Common issues

Coming soon