Gather your translations

Synchronise all your translations online in our Cloud for Comics.
Avoid sending by email plenty Word/Excel files.

All your translations always updated in one place

Work online and collaboratively on one single synchronised document:
ComixSuite is your dedicated "Cloud for Comics".

Projects portfolio

All your assigned translation projects in one place.

Activity tracker

Save time in your project management: your team is better coordinated than ever!

Completion level

Meet your deadlines: track
the completion percentage
for each of your translations.

& Comments

Learn more about how to discuss your translation choices.

Always up to date.

Each member of your team is sure to access to the very last version of your BD, Comics, Manga or Webtoon translation from any computer, anywhere.

Real-time backup

Each modification to your translation is automatically saved: work in peace!

Nothing is lost

Wrong manipulation? No panic! Everything is saved, and can be restored.

Teamwork on your comics translation like never before.